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Headline: Most Voters think "Fake News" is Real

What Would Bad Guys Do
Block information
Blocked Email
Blocked Video
Call for Early Voting
Encourage Mass Mailing of Ballots
Inflate/Manipulate Voter Rolls
Access Networks
Albert Sensors
CISA compromise
Remark Paper Ballots - Under Vote
Re-Mark Paper Ballots - Over Vote
Break Chain of Custody
Remove ballots to remote locations out of video coverage
Broken Seals on Ballot Boxes
Broken Seals on voting systems
Cover Windows
Shut down counts
Disable video cameras
Reset/adjust ballot printing
Ballot Harvest - TX Video
Ballot Stuffing - 2000 Mules
Privatize/Fund election operations - Rigged movie

36 wireless devices located on Dominion Voting Machine.
Report 3
Dominion deletes 2020 Election Voting Records after "maintenance update" called Trusted Build in ____ states.
CISA computers unknowingly compromised for 10 months. CISA directs cyber security for all voting systems.
All voting systems are constantly monitored online with Albert Sensors.
All voting systems are constantly online with back door maintance software knowns as ilo or iRac
Voting systems has unauthorized software MYSQL which any hacker can access and change votes easily.
Counties send real-time voting records to Spain directly. Spain then shares the information between other groups BEFORE sending results back to the United States fo reporting on broadcasts.
Congressional statements by politicians and computer science Election Integrity experts declare the Electronic voting machines are vulnerable to attack and manipulation.
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