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Headline: Most Voters think "Fake News" is Real
FACT: News is Big Business
Mainstream Network News targets a Liberal audience and presents the viewpoints of its Left leaning executives who are biased against everything "Conservative".
Information that does not fit their political narrative or could possibly offend their Liberal target audience is simply not reported.
Because News is Big Business, delivering Facts and Truth are not a core requirement since the goal is to grow their audience, increase market share, and unfortunately, continue the Democratic narrative which is becoming more and more radical.
This website is your NEW resource tool
Share Conservatism Spot
It was designed specifically for you to share across political, cultural, and ethnic lines and showcase the many reasons why so many long time traditional Democrats are no longer supporting the current Democrat Party that has been taken over by the Radical Left. They are waking up and doing their own research, sticking to their values, putting America First, and seeing past the Fake News presented by the Democratically controlled News Media.
Many are more skeptical of the Social Media Giants (Youtube, Google, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) who "claim" to be public platforms and don't censor Conservative message, yet .... they block and cancel Conservative accounts and websites on a regular basis saying the content is "Dangerous" and does not meet "their" arbitrary standards.
Big Tech has placed themselves to be the "arbiters of morality" and cancelling and censoring any idea that does not agree with theirs.

Typical Censorship by YouTube.
The Biden Administration directs Big Tech to censor any information against the vaccine or any multi-drug prevention and treatment of Covid using long established and proven meds such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
Successful Covid Doctors, Researchers, Immunologist and Virologists must place information on other internet platforms such as Rumble, FrankSpeech, and Vocl to host videos to prevent Censorship by Google and YouTube.
By sharing this website resource, you become the personal catalyst that unlocks minds and creates the political awareness for those who may only get their information from Social Media, peers, CNN, Late Night TV hosts, Mainstream Broadcast News, Hollywood,
Music, and Sports celebrities, Family, as well as Teachers and Professors.

Watch ALL of the short videos below to see the power of this resource.
Afterwards, Bookmark this site, share it, and return when you have a chance and re-watch the insightful and inspiring video messages that speak from the heart and are very convincing to anyone who views them.
BONUS videos of other cultures who no longer support the current Democratic Party have been added and can be identified with a bright green border, so be certain to view and share those as well.
2 of 13: Democrat Senator switches Party
BONUS VIDEO: Latinos/Hispanics leaving the Democratic Party. aka
Play Video
"Peaceful" Protesters
3 of 13: David "I am a Conservative!"
BONUS VIDEO: Jennifer:
Cable News brainwashed me
4 of 13: Dems Need to be Truthful
5 of 13: Student "Off the Plantation"
(Who is behind Black Lives Matter?)
By accepting our challenge to share this information, you may risk losing Friends and Family, so also consider donating and letting billboards do the sharing and convincing.
6 of 13: Too Much Black & White Division
7 of 13: Democratic Party Not Right for America
8 of 13: I started to pay attention
Cast of Uncle Tom Movie Discussion
9 of 13: Planned Parenthood History
10 of 13: Ben Shapiro Video on
Planned Parenthood
11 of 13: The Inconvenient Truth from Prager University
12 of 13: Carlton is called a 'Sell Out'
13 of 13: Rob was sick of the Lies
BONUS VIDEO: Libby, Liberal couldn't stand the Hate
But ...What exactly is the
difference between
a Liberal and a Leftist?
"Dear Liberals,
Conservative are not your enemy, the LEFT IS ..."
- Dennis Prager, Prager U
Uncle Tom Movie Trailer
No Safe Places Movie Trailer.
BONUS VIDEO: The End of Fair Voting
BONUS VIDEO: Jennifer:
Cable News brainwashed me
Question from the Website Author:
"Now that you have this resource at your fingertips that could make a direct impact on America, what will You do with it?"
Jewish Americans making an EXODUS from the Democratic Party.
BONUS VIDEO: Social Justice Warrior claims her social media became a cesspool of hate...
What is the Electoral College?
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